Case Study Overview - Helping a Leader Uncover Unconscious Bias to Improve Communication, Staff Connectivity & Reduce Anxiety
Read Time: 3 minutes
Client: County Agency
Product: Culture 5 – 4 Check-Ins, 5 Questions, 120 days
Anxiety Rating: High
Staff Connecting: 28% Connecting
Value to Leadership
With the help of an executive coach, the CEO unlocked unconscious bias around their communication skills/ strategies
Managers reported feeling Tired, Stressed & Overwhelmed from expending their energies on training/ coaching/ mentoring staff, with no feedback from leadership on how they could help
Anxiety levels of both Staff & Senior Leaders negatively impacted Well Being and Culture scores at 90-120 days, the CEO became acutely aware of Managers & Staff Anxiety (stressors) expressed in the data, finally took action to improve the situation to slow Anxiety spiking across the organization
At 120 days, Anxiety & Connecting stabilized, but there was still room for continuous improvement
Leadership Profile
Organization was in a fast-growth mode through program development over 12+ months
Staff workload was broad & heavy
CEO felt that they maintained a strong, open and candid relationship with managers & staff
The participation rate was a healthy 86-94% during the 120-day period
Based on the Feelings Index & level of Anxiety expressed by staff, the CEO had an unconscious bias about the strength of their relationship with employees and managers
The unconscious bias was clearly demonstrated by a 0% Connecting of Team Members at 60 days and a 0% Connecting of Senior Leaders at 90 days
Requested Leadership Behaviors Expressed:
30 days: Ask Us How We Are Doing & Offer to Help
60 days: Help Balance the Load/ Avoid Burn-Out
90 days: Help Balance the Load/ Avoid Burn-Out
120 days: Delegate Responsibilities & Trust Us
Metric Goal
Culture Score = Contributing/ PerformingWell Being Index = Stable/ EnergizedAnxiety Rating = Managed/ MinimalFeelings Index (Connecting) = Higher % the better
Between 60-90 Days:
There was a consistent discussion with the Executive Coach & CEO regarding the high anxiety level throughout the organization
The level of connecting with Staff & Managers continued to diminish, driving Anxiety up across the organization
There was a discrepancy in the connection between Staff & Managers because the requested leadership behaviors/ needs were not addressed or communicated by the leader